Tuesday 4 November 2014

Wu-Tang Clan - Ruckus In B Minor (2014)

New Wu-Tang!!!!!

Let's not get carried away, this isn't 36 Chambers or Wu-Tang Forever-level stuff - but it's a damn sight better than anything on 8 Diagrams and would hold its own with the best tracks on The W and Iron Flag.

It's absolutely brilliant to hear vocals from all 10 members of the Clan on the same track though, for the first time since 9 Milli Bros. on Ghost's 2006 album Fishscale and they all sound in inspired form.

Ghostface, Cappadonna and Method Man on the hook put in standout performances, while ODB's ad-libs throughout truly warm the cockles of my heart.

The best part of the song is without a doubt saved until near the end though.  It's been a while since the Genius has made me really sit up and take notice,  but as the beat slows down to a crawl and the GZA starts dropping trademark knowledge you know that something special is happening.  The beat switches up midway through his verse and the experienced veteran rides it smooth as a wave and really got me amped up for RZA, Rae and Masta Killa, Meth and Dirt McGirt to close the song out.  This track gives me new hope for the album.

Wu-Tang is Forever.

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